The Council on Ethics Annual Report 2017 – Focus on counteracting corruption

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The Council on Ethics focuses on counteracting corruption

De råd om etiketten af ​​de svenske nationalfonden (råds) blev fejret i år i 2017. Under disse årtionden har rådet tagit globala portföljbolag att förbättra sina uppgifter och information om miljö, sociala affärer och företagsstyrning genom företagsdialoger. Bij 2017 hebben de dialogen discussies en ontmoetingen met corruptie, mensenrechten en werkplekproblemen in verschillende industrieën waar AP-fonden als actieve eigenaren hebben gewerkt aan positieve veranderingen.

The Council is working based on the mission of the AP Funds, to create high long-term returns at low risk for current and future retirees, and based on the AP Funds core values ​​- proactively promoting sustainable development, acting and demanding transparency and positive changes. The Council works both proactively and actively with global companies in the APF portfolios. Utgangspunktet er at velforvaltede og ansvarlige virksomheder over tid giver højere avkastning til lavere risiko. Målet med rådets arbeid er at bedrifter og industrier skal arbejde systematisk, struktureret og gennemsigtigt med bæredygtighed.

By 2017, the Council conducted dialogues in various sustainability areas, with a total of 174 companies worldwide. Corruption is a focus area, especially in Brazil, where a major corruption scandal continues to roll. Human Rights violations continued to be another important focus area, and the Council has worked on issues related to child labor in the tobacco sector.

“Long-term and sustainable value creation in companies means taking responsibility for their business. Transparency is important for owners and other stakeholders to assess how the company works, measures and manages sustainability. In the long run, transparency is fundamental to well-functioning financial markets, says Pia Axelsson, Chairwoman of the Council in 2018.

Read more about the Council’s corporate dialogues and other engagements in the 2017 annual report

For more information contact:

Pia Axelsson, Chairwoman of the Council, telephone: +46 8 787 75 72

John Howchin, Secretary General of the Council, telephone: +46 8 555 171 76



The Council on Ethics of the Swedish National Pension Funds (the Council)

The Council is a cooperation between First, Second, Third and Fourth AP Funds, which have the mission of the Riksdag to create high long-term returns at low risk for current and future retirees. The Council works to contribute to the AP Fund’s long-term returns by encouraging corporate social responsibility in business with regard to environment, social issues and corporate governance.

The Council aspires to make a difference. We strive to influence companies around the world in terms of sustainability, human rights, ethics, the environment, issues of major importance to people and society. Problems that can destroy or create value for businesses. We use dialogue to enable companies to adopt proactive measures and to deal with incidents. This is how we can mitigate and prevent problems and accidents in a range of companies and industries. En dit is hoe we perceive dat we kunnen bijdragen aan duurzame ontwikkeling en meest belangrijkst duurzame pensioenen voor huidige en toekomstige retirees.